Starfish Ministries continues to be on the move with homelessness growing rapidly in our area. We have been blessed by several churches reaching out and supporting us with monetary donations, physical items and volunteer support! Thank you to Neidig Memorial in Harrisburg, Grace UMC of Hummelstown and Mt. Olivet in Shiremanstown. Century 21 of Camp Hill has also held a coat drive during these last few cold months.
In the past few months we've helped one of our "friends on the street" with infant needs. Her child was recently born so we were able to bless them with needed items. Also a family under a domestic violence situation has been helped in several ways to avoid the woman and four small children to avoid homelessness.
The needs continue to come to us and it's our hearts and our gifts that we are able to share with many. God has been so good to give us the resources to continue this ministry.