Compassion in Action
Starfish Ministries, based on The Starfish Story, began with a retired mother who had a desire to reach out to the homeless of Harrisburg and supply them with their basic daily needs. While handing out toiletries and snacks, her second desire grew...to give them hope to return to society. As paralleled in the Starfish Story, one by one, this is our goal.
Starfish Ministries is now in partnership with Community Aid. Recently John Brassel and I attended a "Huddle" meeting at the Harrisburg store to share the Starfish story as well as to learn all about Community Aid. Following the last day of each quarter the employees choose a partner to grant $1500 from all of the partners that visited them during that quarter. The funding from this grant is sourced from generous customers that say YES to Roundup at the registers.
July 27 we received a letter stating "...our employees chose to support your mission and honor you for your positive impact in the community!"... With that letter was a check for $1500!!! We are so proud of our mission in helping the homeless and are committed to continue serving them.
We ask that anyone donating goods to Community Aid at any of their stores, please use our partner number 50218. It offers us more opportunities to help those in need.
Carol Crossley